
We would like to invite you to the next MAFIA Seminar. The guest will be Tho Nguyen Duc (Dep. of Mathematics, FNSPE CTU Prague) with a lecture Magnetic WKB constructions on a surface. The seminar takes place on Tuesday June 30th, 2020 in room T112 (FNSPE Trojanova 13, Prague 2) and it starts at 13.15.

In this presentation, we consider the magnetic Dirichlet Schrödinger operator at the semi-classical level on a Riemannian surface. When the magnetic field attains a unique positive and nondegenerate minimum, WKB analysis will be used to investigate the spectral problem of the operator. The exponential decay of eigenfunctions is also mentioned in this talk. Furthermore, the eigenfunctions are very well approximated in an exponentially weighted space.

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