
We are not able to provide a specific plan or scenario for your studies. The only certainty is that we have moved over to contactless teaching, and we urgently ask you to make use of this and to study. Despite all the uncertainty, we will create conditions for you to continue successfully with your studies, and we will help you in every situation. In justified cases caused by the extra-ordinary situation, the deans will make use of their right to take measures to waive inappropriately strict application of the Study and Examination Regulations. If any of you has any problems and needs help, do not hesitate to turn to me or to your dean. The “skills of an engineer” include dealing with problems. Therefore, take this period of contactless learning and teaching as a test of your and our abilities, which are not dictated by a study plan, but by life itself. Your success is our success, and we will do our very best.

We wish you good fortune, success and, above all, good health.

Vojtěch Petráček,
your rector

Jiří Máca, Michael Valášek, Petr Páta, Igor Jex, Ladislav Lábus, Pavel Hrubeš, Ivan Dylevský, Marcel Jiřina
your deans

Vladimíra Dvořáková on behalf of MIAS


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