
Course abbreviation: AI
Course code:
Course duration: 4 years
Course type: full-time, combined

Research Field Characteristics

The aim of the PhD Course is to prepare students for both fundamental and applied research in informatics with a view to other disciplines of science understood to be a creative inspiration for research and development of new structures and algorithms and their final implementation. The core of theroretical courses comprises selected topics of numerical methods, mathematical statistics, and modelling of physical, chemical, biological, biomedical, and economic phenomena. Students are directed towards presenting their research results at international conferences and publishing them in professional periodicals on informatics and application fields.

Graduate´s Profile

Graduates will have gained enough experience to embark on an academic career or assume positions in research institutions. They are fully qualified to apply the latest informatics findings to other research fields, and, at the same time, penetrate deeply into the pith of the issue investigated, and search a relevant approach to the matter, to propose a new and effective solution making use of prospective techniques and instruments of informatics. Having implemented the system or its significant part, the graduate is able to perform a critical assessment of its behaviour and publish the original way of solution in an impacted journal. Also, they have mastered the methodology of the research process and the way of critical thinking due to which they can make full use of their knowledge and abilities to implement modern information systems. The graduate will prove successful as an academic researcher or an expert in information technologies in industry or establishments using mathematical models, numerical methods, statistical analysis, mathematical logic, and special programming techniques to solve real tasks from practice. Typically, this refers to data mining from extensive data sets or models of extensive technological, biomedical,or economic systems and to the study of their behaviour dynamics in critical situations by employing efficient information technologies.

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Department of Software Engineering

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