
nuclear power plantSince its establishment, the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the CTU in Prague (FNSPE) has been dedicated to research and training of experts in the field of peaceful uses of nuclear reactions. The events of the last few days in the territory of Ukraine, especially hostile destructive acts targeting nuclear facilities in Ukraine, are of great sadness and concern to the Faculty. We call for compliance with international agreements and for a halt to attacks by Russian forces on nuclear facilities in Ukraine.

The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, like other nuclear facilities within the territory of Ukraine, serves the population and provides them with much needed energy and heat. Attacks on these facilities are attacks against the civilian population. Although they are very robust facilities, nuclear power plants are not built to withstand shelling or bombing. These acts can lead, in the extreme, to the release of radioactive substances into the environment. Radioactivity does not distinguish between soldiers, politicians and civilians, nor will it respect national borders. The consequences from a possible accident and release of radioactive substances into the environment will be felt by the people of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, but also in Europe and other countries.

We therefore call on Russian nuclear experts and the scientific community not to remain silent and to call for a halt to attacks on these facilities. Use your contacts and expertise to try to explain to the Russian state regime that attacks on nuclear power plants will only lead to disaster.

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