
quantumeasterneurope involved countriesAn overview of the status and development of quantum technologies in Eastern European countries will be presented at the Quantum Eastern Europe online conference on May 5 and 6, 2022, which is also partnered by CTU in Prague. It will bring together academics as well as representatives of governments and industrial companies and other institutions active in the field of quantum technologies. The aim of the organizers is to lay the foundation for international cooperation between experts in the rapidly developing field of quantum technologies.

The first day will be dedicated to a community of quantum researchers who will discuss their research and advances in quantum technologies. A total of 16 lectures await the audience. Until April 29, those interested in attending the lightning talks portion of the event can still apply, where 20 selected speakers will have a few minutes to present their paper. The second day will focus on the business side of quantum technology, where the organizers aim to connect scientists, students, and representatives of government institutions with the commercial sector and end users. The conference is co-organized by QURECA, QWorld, and Hamilton Consulting

"Quantum technologies have been booming in recent years. Scientific teams around the world, not including Eastern Europe, are trying to advance our knowledge and the commercial community is interested in their results. And it is this communication and exchange of experience that the Quantum Eastern Europe conference aims to facilitate," says Aurél Gábris from the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague (FNSPE), who is involved in the organization of the conference.

The faculty has been involved in the field of quantum technologies for a long time, and now also offers a comprehensive study program in Quantum Technologies at bachelor, master and doctoral level.


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