
Course abbreviation: P_RT
Course code: B0914A110001
Course duration: 3 years

Degree Course Characteristics

Radiologicka technika Bc 04

The Bachelor´s Degree Course in Radiological Technology deals with applications of ionizing radiation and radionuclides to radiodiagnostics, radiotherapy, and nuclear medicine. The graduate is professionally qualified as radiological technician for posts in health services. The course offers fundamentals of nuclear physics, physics of ionizing radiation, and detection and dosimetry of ionizing radiation with a view to health care. Theoretical and practical courses will have acquainted graduates with the use of ionizing radiation in diagnostics and therapy, and given them an overview of the physics and technology principles of up-to-date imaging methods in medicine and modern radiotherapy using radionuclides, radionuclide irradiators , linear accelerators, and other special radiotherapy devices.

Great importance is given to health devices using ionizing radiation in diagnostics and therapy and to their parameters. The specialization includes also basics medical courses in human anatomy and physiology and in radiobiology.

The modern concept of the degree course allows up-to-date bachelor project topics to be solved jn cooperation with renown Czech institutions. A good overview of the principles and legislation pertaining to radiation protection and operating the sources of ionizing radiation and health care are also a part of graduates´ package of knowledge. They are thus well prepared to apply for posts of radiological technicians in hospital´s radiodiagnostic department, or in nuclear medicine, radiation therapy, medical physics, and radiation protection. Along with medical doctors and other staff - in particular medical physicists – they take part in diagnostic and therapy procedures of patients based on relevant devices. Other job opportunities for graduates are available in radiation safety and radiation protection institutions.

The degree course programme also includes student´s visits to and on-site trainig in medical places of work.

The aims and objectives of the degree programme are to train students for qualified medical posts of radiological technicians combining the acquired skills of a physicist and technologist necessary to operate devices for radiodiagnostics ,nuclear medicine and radiation therapy, and to assist the radiological physicists.

Graduate´s Profile

Radiologicka technika Bc 01

The graduate will have gained a body of knowledge of radiation and nuclear physics and deep insights into medical applications of radiation, i.e. clinical dosimetry, radiation protection, radiobiology, and detectors of ionizing radiation. With a view to the health care status of the programme, it also covers knowledge of anatomy, medical ethics, hygiene, epidemiology, and medical radiology, as required by Regulation 39/2005 Coll. of the Ministry of Health and methodological guidelines.

The graduate is equipped with practical skills required for the profession of health physicist, such as conducting tests of high importance with respect to the Atomic Law and regulation on radiation protection, e.g. tests of operational and long-term stability, and also with respect to planning routine radiotherapy.

Having completed his/her bachelor´s degree course, the graduate has acquired the required professional qualification and is legally entitled to exercise medical profession of radiological technician within Law no.96 Coll. as amended (Law 201/2017 Coll.).

State Final Examination

  • Radiological technology
  • Fundamentals of health care

Details on the examination and its parts are subject to valid legislation and internal regulations and rules and are available at Study Programmes and Regulations.

Radiologicka technika Bc 02 vetsi


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Department of Dosimetry and Application of Ionizing Radiation

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