

The Faculty has successfully updated its accreditation of the Master Programme. It is a full-time programme extending for 2 years (4 semesters). The students are expected to attend lectures, practicals, and seminars throughout the semester. The tuition fee for Master Continuation programmes taught in English is 132 000 CZK per academic year (66 000 CZK per semester).

Candidates for the degree programme are required to pass an entrance examination, following which they can choose an accredited degree course, which can often be an extension of the undergraduate programme (see Bachelor Programme).

The Master Programme offers:

  • Interesting lectures by professionals from the Czech Republic and abroad.

  • Participation in scientific teams after admission to the programme.

  • Accredited supervisors.

  • Long-term study stays and internships at partner universities and international research centres.

Upon attainment of the required number of credits (120), successful completion of coursework in all courses, submission and defence of the Master's Thesis, and successful passage of the State Final Examination, the student is awarded a Master's Degree (Mgr., the title of Ing. in Czech) at a graduation ceremony in the Bethlehem Chapel. This is a prerequisite for entering the Doctoral Programme or pursuing employment or a career in e.g. research. Many graduates start their careers in the ČEZ Group (ČEZ), Proton Therapy Centre Czech, ELI Centre, IBM, banks, or hospitals.

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