
Course abbrevitation: P_JCHN
Course code: N0531A130039
Course duration: 2 years

Degree Course Characteristics

Jaderna chemie Ing 01 Nuclear chemistry is a scientific discipline concerned with the properties of matter and phenomena of chemical and physico-chemical nature, having origin in the nucleus of the atom, in which the nucleus and its transformations play a participative role. Understanding the properties of the nucleus and its behaviour, can often be immensely helpful in studying and finding solutions to many problems – not only of chemical nature. Such insight, however, is to be based on solid foundations of chemistry and physics.

The Continuation Master Course in Nuclear Chemistry is to train experts for fundamental and applied research and practical applications of nuclear chemistry. The core cluster of compulsory courses offers a deeper knowledge of and skills in nuclear chemistry and its principles in general, and also in three specialized courses, namely: chemistry of the environment and radioecology, applied nuclear chemistry, and nuclear chemistry in biology and medicine. Moreover, the curriculum offers not only compulsory courses, but even courses satisfying students´ interests and giving an overview of the state of the art. The master thesis topic and optional part of the State Final Examination depend on student´s specialization, as given above.

The course curriculum goes even deeper and offers not only theoretical lectures, but also specialized laboratory sessions on solving independently more difficult issues. Student projects are another way how to solve individual assignments on a given topic and get a deeper insight into the issue. These projects often result in quite new findings publishable in professional periodicals. The curriculum takes into account student´s future career and, therefore, comprises a two-week on-site training and research trip one week long to relevant institutions. An expert seminar on the present-day state of nuclear chemistry is also included.

The two-year Continuation Master Course (to be introduced) is suitable for graduates of the Bachelor´s Degree Course in Nuclear Chemistry, but is open also to graduates in other fields, although they will have to complete the knowledge gaps in chemistry , namely the cluster of core lectures, i.e. general nuclear chemistry, detection of ionizing radiation, and dosimetry and radiation protection. All graduates will be professionally qualified to continue their academic training in the doctoral course in Application of Natural Sciences or Nuclear Chemistry at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering or in other doctoral programmes in chemistry or nuclear sciences.

Graduate´s Profile

Jaderna chemie Ing 02 Graduates acquired a profound knowledge of advanced disciplines of nuclear and physical chemistry. Depending on a more specialized orientation, they may use their knowledge and skills in science, engineering, nuclear power engineering, biology, medicine, or protection of the environment. They l also know how to use the basic and advanced analytical, preparative and separation methods in practice.

The technical skills acquired throughout the degree course are mainly applications of methods and processes of nuclear chemistry to practical solutions of engineering, research, and scientific problems. Graduates adapt easily to new surroundings and new conditions, orient themselves quickly in unknown interdisciplinary problems, are able to analyse difficult problems and provide a solution or assess, evaluate, and interpret their findings. They accept responsibility for the work done and the decisions made.

Analytical and complex approach to problems to be solved gives graduates a chance to be efficient members of staff in research and development institutions, in industry, health care, power engineering, or protection of the environment. Their competences in planning and finding solutions to tricky problems and being responsible for their decisions makes graduates good candidates for managerial posts even in non-nuclear sectors. Being systematic and conscientious about their responsibilities, which is a peculiar characteristic of the graduates, is a good recommendation for jobs in supervisory bodies and professional institutions like the State Office for Nuclear Safety (SÚJB), Radioactive Waste Repository Authority (SÚRAO), or the National Radiation Protection Institute (SÚRO), and others. Graduates are also academically qualified to study for a PhD, e.g. in Nuclear Chemistry, or some other doctoral programme in other chemical or nuclear disciplines.

State Final Examination

  • Physical chemistry - compulsory part of examinationt
  • Nuclear chemistry – compulsory part of examination
  • Applied nuclear chemistry – optional part of examination
  • Chemistry of the environment and radioecology – optional part of examination
  • Nuclear chemistry in biology and medicine – optional part of examination

Details on the examination and its parts are subject to valid legislation and internal regulations and rules and are available at Study Programmes and Regulations.

Jaderna chemie Ing 04 vetsi

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Department of Nuclear Chemistry


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