
We would like to invite you to conference about AI and its appliccations held by MIT lecturers. It's a great chance to meet brilliant professionals and create new business opportunities. Meet you on 14th of October at CTU CIIRC. Conference is paid and only in English. More information and tickets HERE.

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During this event, we want to explore some technological solutions and applications in AI that may help us in finding means to address the challenges to life on this planet. AI is a broad field and the term at times used carelessly. Getting an inside view may help us to better understand how advances in this field can help us curb environmental harm to our planet – in a smart way.

The MIT Club of Germany is honoured to announce a International Event in timeless and capti-vating Prague in Collaboration with the MIT Club of Poland and hosted by Petr Štěpán (MIT alumnus) and Alumni Association of Czech Technical University (CTU).

Meeting will be located at the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC CTU), address: Jugoslávských partyzánů, Prague 6.


Additional information

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