
Field abbreviation: ASI

Field code: 3901R056

Course duration: 3 years

Field specialisation: -

Course characteristics

The bachelor's degree course in Applied Software Engineering is based on the relationship of informatics and classical and modern parts of mathematics and economics. It trains students to use information technologies in natural sciences and in economic and engineering practice. Their common denominator is the creation of various models which in turn result in the design and implementation of systems supporting applications in natural sciences and economics.

IT courses are intended to develop basic computer skills, knowledge of classical and modern forms of programming, network technology, internet tools, operating systems, and theoretical informatics. Mathematics courses focus on selected parts of mathematical analysis, algebra, discrete mathematics, and numerical mathematics. Economics courses provide knowledge of basic economics and, complemented by mathematics, statistics and the theory of decision-making, focusing on the use of econometric methods in combination with information technologies. Emphasis is placed on modelling reality and subsequent implementation of the model.

This degree course is also provided to students enrolled in the Děčín branch of FNSPE.

Graduate's profile

Knowledge: The graduate has gained knowledge of basic computer (IT), mathematical and physical disciplines and, depending on their specialisation, in mathematical informatics, software projects, economics, and two foreign languages. Successful graduates can directly apply for admission to a Master Programme in the same or related field.

Skills: The students acquire skills appropriate for the design, analysis, and work on software projects; mastery of computer technology; and problems of computer networks. They also develop their skills in mathematics, applied computer science, economics, and professional English.

Competency: Excellent mastery of analytical methods of work, systematic approach to solving problems, and skills to work with modern information technologies make the graduates excellent candidates for positions in industry, banks, and the private sector. They can be employed as network administrators, members of development and testing teams, and systems operators.

State final examination

  • Linear algebra - compulsory subject
  • Informatics - elective subject
  • Probability and statistics - elective subject
  • Numerical methods - elective subject
  • Mathematical methods in economics - elective subject
  • Microeconomics and macroeconomics - elective subject

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Department of Software Engineering

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