
In the first years, the students will acquire a broad overview of mathematics and physics enabling them to solve interdisciplinary problems. They will also learn the basics of programming at respective levels of their specialization. Students are also expected to join a scientific team of their choice within the first couple of years.

Upon attainment of the required number of credits, successful completion of coursework in all courses, submission and defence of the Master's Thesis, and successful passage of the State Final Examination, the student is awarded a Master's Degree (Mgr., the title of Ing. in Czech). This is a prerequisite for entering the Doctoral Programme or pursuing employment or a career in e.g. research.

The Master programme furthermore offers:

  • Access to unique technical equipment;
  • Emphasis on student participation;
  • Long-term study stays abroad at partner universities;

The courses listed below will open by 2020/2021:

5-year Master Courses


Applied Algebra and Analysis

Quantum Technologies

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