
We would like to invite you to the last seminar of Quantum Circle ONLINE of this year. Through the Zoom platform will speak Denis Borisov (Bashkir State Pedagogical University, Ufa) on Accumulation of resonances and eigenvalues for operators with distant perturbations. The seminar takes place on Tuesday, December 22, 2020 from 2.45 pm. The Zoom link, which will allow you to participate in the seminar, can be found on the Quantum Circle website.

We consider a model one-dimensional problem with distant perturbations,for which we study a phenomenon of emerging of infinitely many eigenvalues and resonances near the bottom of the essential spectrum. We show that they accumulate to a certain segment of the essential spectrum. Then we discuss possible generalization of this result to multi-dimensional models and various situations of resonances and eigenvalues distributions.

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