
The first monitoring period of the Centre of Advanced Applied Sciences (CAAS) project finished at the end of March 2019. During the first period, which began in August 2018, the teams of specific research programs were formed, and research work started.

The results were published in professional journals and presented at national and international meetings and conferences in accordance with the proposed program. An overview of publications sorted according to individual research programs is available on the CAAS website.

You can download a full version of Project Progress Report No. 1 (available only in Czech) stating the most important achievements. "The CAAS project is one of the most demanding projects from administration point of view because some 350 scientists and professionals from seven different institutions will be involved," explains Michaela Schwarzová, CAAS Project Manager.

The CAAS project (CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16-019/0000778) is phased in for five years, to be finished in July 2023. The total project budget is CZK 553 million, 95% of which is financed by the European Union via the Operational Program Research, Development, and Education (OP VVV).

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