
As of November 23, 2020, Rector´s Order No. 21/2020 on reducing the risk of coronavirus infection enters into force. As of Monday December 7, 2020 Level 3 of Rector´s order enters into force, instruction continues in distance form. As of December 9, 2020 3rd complete version of Rector's Order No. 09/2020 (currently available in Czech only, English version will follow) on study programs and courses and examinations at CTU enters into the force.

Rector's Order No. 18/2020 on reducing the risk of coronavirus infection enters into force on 12 October, 2020.

The provisions of Order no. 18/2020 are invalid in cases where stricter conditions, regulations and approaches  are set by legal regulations or by other binding measures  of a higher legal instance.

Further information about free-of-charge COVID-19 testing for students accommodated in CTU dormitories can be found on the SÚZ website.

Dormitory students - follow the CTU website with current information about the coronavirus situation and the website regarding the Minister of Education's Exception to dormitory accommodation (currently in Czech language only).

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports issued summary and supplementary information (currently in Czech language only) on government resolutions issued on 12 October 2020 in the field of higher education.

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