
220615 prednaska Laura Fabbietti ENWhat does a neutron star consist of? No one knows exactly yet, but particle physicists are working to find out. In a public lecture, Laura Fabbietti, professor of nuclear physics at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), will shed light on this endeavour. Register online and you can see the lecture for yourself on Tuesday, June 28, 2022 at 6:00 pm at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague (FNSPE).

Neutron stars are among the most interesting objects in the universe. They are very small in size, but they have a high mass, which means that they are made up of extremely dense matter. Scientists are trying to find out what makes it up. At the LHC accelerator at CERN, it's possible to cook up such matter. In her talk, Prof. Laura Fabbietti will describe the recipe for cooking a neutron star and how to better understand its properties. The lecture will be given in English.

The lecture is part of the International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics HYP 2022, co-organised by the FNSPE and Nuclear Physics Institute CAS in Rez from 27 June to 1 July 2022. The conference was first held in 1982 in Heidelberg, Germany, and has been repeated every three years since then, with only last year's 14th edition postponed by a year due to Covid. For the first time, leading experts in hypernuclear physics and strange particles will meet in Prague. The conference was also supported by the Centre of Advanced Applied Sciences (CAAS) project.


Prof. Dr. Laura Fabbietti

Professor of Nuclear Physics at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). Laura Fabbietti (*1974) studied physics at the University of Milan. She then completed her PhD in experimental nuclear and particle physics at TUM, where she continues to work. In 2011 she became a professor in dense and strange hadronic matter at TUM. Today, she is one of the leading scientists of the ORIGINS Cluster of Excellence and participates in experiments at the LHC at CERN in the ALICE collaboration.

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