
Bc. Jakub Hrubý received the first prize in category flash talk at the international conference 24th Heart of Europe bio-Crystallography meeting, Dolní Vltavice, 22. - 24. 9. 2022, with his presentation "Effects of the Zn2+ to Cd2+ Exchange on the Structure and Activity of S1 Nuclease."

Jakub Hrubý is a final year MSc. student of the Dept. of Solid State Engineering at FNSPE, supervised by Petr Kolenko. He also works in the Laboratory of Structure and Function of Biomolecules, IBT CAS, v.v.i.

The HEC conferences are annual meetings of research groups in macromolecular crystallography from Germany, Poland, Austria and the Czech Republic, focusing on student talks.

Congratulations to Jakub on this outstanding achievement!


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