
Research field abbreviation: RF
Field code: 3901V034
Course duration: 4 years

Research field characteristics

The Doctoral Programme in Radiological Physics is quite unique, being the only one within the Czech Republic preparing graduates for positions in radiodiagnostics, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine, and radiobiology. The course programme and topics of doctoral theses are closely related to the Master Programme in Radiological Physics, giving a more in-depth insight into special areas of radiological physics. The coursework part of the programme comprises new methods in radiodiagnostics, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine, microdosimetry, radiobiology and the use of Monte Carlo method in radiological physics. The research part, including the doctoral examination, is completed with submission of the dissertation.

Graduate's profile

The course offers three disciplines of Radiological Physics for further specialisation: therapy, diagnostics, and nuclear medicine, and a potential for scholarly development and a more in-depth insight into the problems to be solved. Graduates of this course can enter placements in medical departments, hospitals, scientific institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) and universities, as well as in companies developing medical equipment, etc.

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Department of Dosimetry and Application of Ionizing Radiation

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