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Srdečně vás zveme na další MAFIA Seminar. Hostem bude Pedro Antunes (University of Lisbon) s přednáškou "The Method of Fundamental Solutions and its application for solving shape optimization problems". Seminář se koná v úterý 10. 3. 2020 od 13.15 hodin v místnosti T112.

In this talk we give an overview of the application of the Method ofFundamental Solutions (MFS) for solving boundary value problems with elliptic PDE’s. The MFS is a meshfree numerical method where the solution is approximated by a linear combination of shifts of the fundamental solution of the elliptic differential operator. We present a theoretical framework providing density results and bounds for the error that justify the convergence of the method. Moreover, we address an algorithm to reduce the ill conditioning of the MFS matrices. Finally, we describe the application of the MFS for optimizing the shape and density of amembrane of a drum, so that it can be tuned.

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